Rosina Revelle
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A Little Bit About Rosina Revelle:

Items Featuring Rosina Revelle

Rosina Revelle
50 photos
Added 12/09/2018
Average Rating: 5.0 Average Rating: 5.0 Average Rating: 5.0 Average Rating: 5.0 Average Rating: 5.0
  Avg Rating: 5.0

Rosina was born circa 1940 in Warwickshire England, daughter of a Maltese shopkeeper. Today she's one of the most widely-recognized pinup models of the 1950s, but her actual career was pretty short although quite prolific. She began modeling in the late 50s not long after turning 18 and churned out a great number of pictorials with some of the foremost UK glamour & "figure study" photographers, all the while keeping this career turn secret from her family. Inevitably they found out and after less than 2 years in the biz convinced her to cease posing nude for money, much to civilization's detriment.

Aside from being built like a 20th century fertility goddess, part of her appeal was a kind of smoky-eyed sultry sneer, which IMO prefigured some of the punk aesthetic that emerged a couple decades later. And indeed in the 1970s, punk fashion icon Vivienne Westwood featured Rosina in a t-shirt design produced by her infamous rock n roll boutique, SEX.

Some of Rosina's original glamour magazines dubbed her The British Brigitte Bardot - this resemblance seems a little dubious save for the aforementioned smoky eyes and full luscious lips. Others refer to her background as a ballet dancer, and you can see some of that grace in her natural poses.

We've not been able to uncover much info about her later life, if anyone out there knows anything please drop us a line. Enjoy!
