Vintage Erotica Desktop Backgrounds

Here are a few backgrounds to grace your virtual desktops, with more to come. Your friends & colleagues will be sure to compliment your classy & erotic taste in electronic adornment!

It's no secret that various devices - laptops, tablets, phones, etc - all have different resolutions, and it's impossible to anticipate all of them exactly. At the moment we're offering one broader layout for tablets (sized for high-res retina displays) and one for your typical widescreen monitor. Some minor adjustments and/or scaling might be needed to get an exact fit for your advice, so please refer to its individual settings for those steps. We also plan to offer a smartphone specific layout shortly, although these current images could be scaled for such too.

More desktops up shortly, so check back soon!

Vintage Erotica Desktop - Nude Flappers In Ceremony Flappers In Ceremony - circa 1930
Widescreen/Laptop format - 1920x1080
iPad/Tablet format - 2048x1536

Vintage Erotica Desktop - 1970s Nude Amongst Pillows Nude Amongst Pillows - circa 1968
Widescreen/Laptop format - 1920x1080
iPad/Tablet format - 2048x1536

Vintage Erotica Desktop - Leopard Print Nude Leopard Print Nude - Circa 1960
Widescreen/Laptop format - 1920x1080
iPad/Tablet format - 2048x1536

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